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Letter 8


I think we’re being followed.

We expected to be followed by Coronum people, eventually. The bands of police bots or some underpaid interns or whatever. I would have thought, though, that it would take a lot longer and a lot more meddling. We’ve done fuck all so far.

I’m not too sure that they’re Coronum, though. The car I keep seeing looks familiar. Not that that really means much. I’ve yet to get a good look at it. Every time I catch it in the corner of my eye, Yang pulls us out of view into some sort of alley or a bluff of trees. Makes me think she’s more worried about it than I.

Not that I’m not worried. It’s definitely concerning. But what if it's a friend? Maybe it's Aaron and his friend, out looking for us? I’d so, so love to see him right now with a free pizza and a blanket. Maybe it’s Damien, with his really pretty eyes and too nice attitude that I fell too quickly for until I realized Alyssa existed. Or maybe it’s Faris, in a car somehow? It’s been far too long since I’ve heard from him. Even if I ghosted him for months on end.

More than anything I wish it could be Evan. Just to see him actually live, to just have any confirmation that he’s still around and hasn’t been killed or tortured. Just to be together with him, Yang, and I, just like the old times, hiding out in a blanket tent in the spare bedroom and laughing over dumb books until the door slammed and we had to go to bed because dad was finally home and ruined everything but we’d write each other stupid little letters in the equally stupid little notebook and slide it under each other’s doors in the dark because no one could sleep over the TV and bottles.

I just wish things were different, and I could see someone I love, and be safe.

And you. I’d love to see you. Really I’d just love to see anyone who isn’t trying to knock me out and arrest me.

Besides Yang. Yang doesn’t do that.

I realize that I would be digging myself into quite the hole if I was saying this outloud. Please don’t be mad.


Lynn Allemond-Redford


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