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Letter 4


I can’t say I’ve ever been to the trainyard before today. Honestly, not sure why I haven’t. Here we are now, at least.

Yang and I haven’t done much since our attempted adventure. Even if that was only a few days ago, I can still feel the whole thing looming over us. None of the records we’d seen had anything about that sort of creature. Not even the database that Yang broke into. Either they’re ignoring its existence, trying to cover it up (very badly), or just don’t care.


Anyways, Yang brought me to the trainyard after cleaning up our campsite for the day. Apparently things liked to roam around there. Racoons, squirrels, random clubs of teens, that sort of stuff. Mist creatures too. We’re going to set up our camp nearby to see what we can find come nightfall.

The creatures seem to be a lot more active at night, for whatever reason. That wasn’t in any of the files either, though Yang claimed to have read about it somewhere. I have no clue when she found the time to read so much of the company’s stuff. There wasn’t an explanation as to WHY they like the night. Like usual. Barely ever an explanation for things until we force one.

I’m sitting on top of a conductor tower thing right now. Admittedly, I have no clue what the tower’s for, but it really ties the whole yard together. The old rusting train carts and web of railroad tracks is a look that just has a certain feel to it. From up above, it almost looks like a metal spider web, with bits of rock and grass in between.

I can see all around town from here. Everything to the north, east, and west. I can see the old office, Coronum's HQ, and main street…

And home. Where you and Ray are.

It makes my heart ache. I don’t know how else to put it. You two are my family, just like Yang is. You’re all I have.

I’m going to stop here before I start (HEAVY SMUDGING FROM ERASING) ngs watching me.

Lynn Allemond-Redford

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