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Log 5

I tried to get into the forest again. Didn't work, at all. These people were much more gruff (I had to thesaurus that word) with not letting me through. Pushy pushy shovey "go the ---- away" and all that!

So. I went away, like they demanded. Then I had the brilliant idea. What if I bribed them? That ALWAYS works, right?

Not that I'm speaking from personal experience. Just want to clarify.

ANYWAYS, I went and bought donuts, and tried to give them to the people (the guards?). There are a lot of things that fix everything. Donuts, oranges, lilacs. Arguments? BAM, throw an orange your argumentee and all is resolved. The donuts didn't work this time though! What are these people, robots? Who can resist a donut?

~ L

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