I'm going to keep this as brief as I can. So, probably not at all. Or maybe it'll just be a few sentences. I don't know! I'm going to sound absolutely insane either way!
I got into the forest. Turns out, the Train Yard subdivision of the Forest Guards? Really easy to outrun and lose. Only took me about three minutes of bobbing and weaving. Might have ripped my shirt, but that's what we do in the name of science.
Also, I got lost. Really lost. Trees look the same a lot of the time, okay? Totally not my fault. I have no clue how long I was in there. I DO know though that I found that site. The one with the rubble! There were way more people there than I realized. Said people were way harder to outrun than the Train Division!
They got me. Tried to ask me who I was, why I was here, HOW I was here, if I was human? I'm pretty sure I'm human, so that's what I told them. Not that they seemed satisfied by my answer, but hey. Can't make someone see the truth! My name didn't seem to satisfy them either. Wanted my last name, but I wouldn't give it to them. My first name can be compromised all it needs to be. But my last name? No way. Confidential, at all times. It was about the time they started grilling me for my last name when the thing started. What thing you ask? The thing. The screeching thing! Lots of crashing and yelling too.
I... could almost see what was causing it. It was big. Real big. Some might even say huge. Lumbering. I couldn't tell if that was its glowing patches, or just some trick of the light. And those teeth...
I’m betting that description isn’t satisfying anyone. It was kind of like a spider? But with a really long body, that had a split right down the middle full of teeth. And they looked like they were rotating. Which I don’t understand how it worked, but I had NO interest in staying to figure out!
I ran as soon as I could. I ran, and ran, and ran. There wasn't any time to look where I was going. Just time to run. I ran until I couldn't continue. Gotta say, bushes can make for a pretty comfy collapsing spot in your time of need.
And that's when it approached me.
I learned three very, very important things today.
One, when A doesn't want to talk about something? It's probably for good reason.
Two, there's only power in first names when they have your last. Don't ask.
Three, sometimes it's safe to trust wandering people out in the woods. Not always. But sometimes.
This is going to be the last log. The internet should be back soon, and I have work to do. Luna, out.
(Please just call me L for now though. It’s what I’m used to.)
ANYWAYS, for real now! Luna, out.