Well, I'm back! Time to put the good old typing cap back on!
I tried going into the forest today, just like I said I would. I gotta say, went way worse than I expected.
They have people all OVER the woods edge! In the park, by the restaurants, everywhere! No one's allowed in or out the forest. I don't think anyone's bothered to try and go in, though. Those guys look too official. The sunglasses really seal the deal.
So, naturally, I tried sprinting in between the trees and into the forest. Instead, I ended up sprinting into a tree. Let me tell you, trees hurt. It bruised my head! Still feels tingly, too. I'm sure I'll be fine!
I did get escorted away from the trees though. The woman who did it was really rude. And cold. Like, physically cold. Didn't talk to me, didn't try and explain anything, just up and away. I TRIED to ask what was going on, but no answer! How rude. :(
Whatever. I'll just try again another day. It's SURE to work at least once, right?
~ L