Late last night, the sounds of a chupacabra was reportedly heard running through main street.
A reputable source claimed they were at the bank, withdrawing funds at an ATM for a late night impulse buy of fries (the source was very descriptive). While fighting with the machine, they heard almost alien sounding sounds behind them, even through the solid walls. They were reportedly deep and feral, guttural to the degree that they were nowhere near human. The source also equated them to the sounds of dog barking.
When the source finished their withdrawal (the fries were supposedly very important) and went to investigate where the sounds were coming from, nothing that could realistically be credited as a source was found. The area of this occurrence was claimed to be near a particular place of interest for us here at OFT: the Misty Alley.
After looking at all the facts, one thing is clear: a chupacabra could be the only thing milling about our streets. Nothing else we know of could fit the description of feral dog barking, except feral dogs. BUT THEN WHAT EXPLAINS THE OTHER SOUNDS? With no prior reports of what a chupacabra COULD sound like, we propose this as the first claim of chupacabra calls.
Well readers, what do you think? Was it a chupacabra milling about our streets? Or was it something else? Let us know what you think at!